Monday, April 20, 2009

Cleaning House

I love moving into a new place. It forces you to reevaluate the things you own: the items that are super important to you and must be moved, the items that are a nice to have and can go or stay, and the items that you don't really need or want and can throw away. When I come out on the other side of this process I always feel lighter and more organized.

So, I've decided to do a little house cleaning with the RSS feeds I consume. Luckily I've been using GoogleReader for the majority of my blog reading. This means I can easily tap into Trends to see what feeds are important to me and which ones can go.

Here are the results so far:

1) Unsubscribed because the feeds were inactive (5)

2) Feeds that had apparently moved and were stale (3)

3) Feeds that appear stale but I'm giving the benefit of the doubt because of the content or who the blogger is (2)

4) Feeds that I no longer have an interest in (1)

If you are an avid blog reader I highly suggest doing this. It reminds me of the Jack Welch (GE) management strategy of 20-70-10 (or something like that). Where each quarter he asked his managers to identify the 20% of their team that are A players, 70% that are B players, and 20% that are C players. If you landed in the C players category for too many consecutive quarters you would be gone. This gives someone new a shot to come in at that level and work to move into the B/A group.

I am looking forward to finding new blogs to fill in the gaps created by letting some of my C players go.

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